It seems like everybody wants to attach the Roubaix image onto their race these days, it's everywhere. Some of these races are worthy, others not so much. If the Hillsboro Roubaix is a worthy race, then the Barry Roubaix threatens redifine the conditions of a true hardmans race. 80% gravel, almost all of it rideable if a little bumpy. Some of it littered with fist sized rocks and sand deeper than North Avenue Beach.

At the start the mood was relaxed, as it was probably the first race of the year for all the dirt hungry racers. 3,2,1 and the first serving was shoveled into our mouth's. Up down up down the course almost never seemed to have a flat section anywhere. On the first major descent of the day. I took a wrong turn at 30+mph and lost about 4 minutes instantly. The rest of the race was me chasing desperately to catch up to the leaders. Pushing the pace every chance I got finally tagging on to a group of six that were up to the task of keeping the pace large. I pulled every chance I got sensing the single speeders in the group couldn't do it on the fast sections, only the climbs (Most of the road dogs have never seen the single speeders climb. It will blow your mind. They have no choice but to sprint up every climb. They are like sharks, who sink if they stop swimming. With the gearing they have if they don't drill it up a climb, they might literally fall off the bike on the steeper climbs. All the geared guys sitting and spinning are usually cast aside as they hoss by us. Truely impressive sometimes.) As I drifted back to take on a gel I lost contact and spent the rest of the race in limbo trying to catch the group that was almost always in sight, but just out of reach. As the race came to a close I was able to reel in the remainder of the group getting into striking distance of them for the line. As the line approached all power was cut and there was nothing left to sprint. I had used all I could to catch the group. Good for a 13th place ten minutes off the lead with a 4 minute deficit in hand. That wrong turn hurt, my legs felt so much better than 13th today. Keep your eyes on the road, a wrong turn is almost always your fault. I know it was for me. This might just be the new favorite race for me. It's a shame to, because the rest of the year may now just be training so that I can do better here next year...