Team Ride
General Information for Saturday Team Rides
Click here to read about our virtual team rides on the Zwift virtual cycling platform
Come Ride with Us!
Our weekly Saturday morning group ride is open to all cyclists and not just members of the team. The start of the ride can be at one of two locations, Wicker Park or Pratt and Ridge Ave in Rogers Park. The group starting in Wicker Park rides together and joins the group in Rogers Park. From Rogers Park the group continues north to Highland Park at a pace typically between 18-20mph; however, we will ride at the pace of the slowest rider. This portion of the ride is “No-Drop” and thus the entire group will stay together. Along the way a member of xXx may coach and encourage those riders who may need ride assistance. This ride is all year long, however the number of riders may vary.
Ride Times
Summer Start Times begin the first Saturday in April and end the last Saturday in November
- Wicker Park 7am, Rogers Park (Pratt/Ridge) 7:30am
Winter Start Times begin the first Saturday in December and end the last Saturday in March
- Wicker Park 8am, Rogers Park (Pratt/Ridge) 8:30am
Where to Meet
There are two locations to join the ride. At the start of each location a team member will share ride expectations and make any announcements.
Ride Route(s)
The base route round trip to Highland Park starting from Wicker Park is approximately 47 miles and 40 miles starting from Pratt/Ridge Avenues. Our routes can be found on the following platforms:
- Strava:
- Map My Ride:
After a stop in Highland Park the group will split up according to ability and ambition. Some riders will turn back, and some will continue north taking one of the extensions. If deciding to take an extension, the ride is no longer “No-Drop”, and you will need to be able to keep pace with the group. At this point the pace will be faster (20mph+ avg) than the ride to Highland Park.
Common extensions from Highland Park (Click on the extension for the Strava route)
Ride Expectations
- Helmets are required, No exceptions.
- Bikes must be equipped with front and rear brakes.
- Use of aero bars, TT bars are prohibited.
- Use of ear buds is prohibited.
- We stop for flats. You’re expected to have the equipment and know how to change a flat tire within 5 minutes.
- The group rides two abreast, and single file where required by law.
- “No-Drop” ride to Highland Park, “Drop” ride from that point on.
- Have the route on a bike computer and backup on smartphone.
- If you are sick or symptomatic stay home.
The team ride is a great opportunity to learn group riding skills, improve your fitness, and meet new people. If you ask any xXx team member, they all joined a Saturday team ride before joining the team. We look forward to riding with you.