My oh my that was fun. Rode out with Jeff Holland (thanks for the jersey, ride and shades brother) and Luke Seemann which gave me a lot of time to think about things I should and shouldnt do. Like jump at the beginning of the race without much support. Fast forward to 8 miles into the race. We hit the dirt road and my legs were feeling real good. The best they have felt. My training is paying off. In any case some dude hammered it down the dirt road and I followed him (shouldnt have). By the time we got to the first turn after the dirt section I glance back and, holly smokes me and dude are way out front. I think for a moment that I should go back to the group cause there is no way that two guys are going to be able to keep the pace up and stay away from the pack. Well, I didnt ease up and before I know it we are over a half mile off the pack, no kidding. I kept remembering talking to my fellow Cat5s before the race and how we were saying if a small group jumps early we would let them go. Well, I turned out to be in that small group. Me and dude who jumped (cant remember his name) took turns pulling hard. It was working out well and we were pretty much sharing the load. Towards the middle of the third lap his legs started to bonk and then I lost steam as well. To my surprise we didnt get gobbled back up till the end of the race with about 3-4 miles left (out of 30). No big deal, my legs were still feeling good and it was sure nice to tuck in behind Ryan Fay (a tall dude if you dont know him) and take a break from pulling. My plan was to stick with the gang and try to get in about 3rd right at the dirt road. I was real excited cause I knew that unless something major happened I was going to place the highest I ever have (albeit Ive only raced 7 times). Right before POP FIZZZZzzzzz. That was the end of the day for me as I flatted with less then 2 miles left in the race. Pulled of to the side and watched the guys ride away from me. Ryan was doing a pretty awesome dance that I got to watch. Latter learned that he was trying to shoe away a cramp. It felt completely awesome to put in the hardest effort I ever have. We have a real strong group of Cat5 racers on the team and with the leadership provided by the folks that have racing for more then a couple months people better get real used to see xXx on the podium. I was so insanely angry when I flatted (stood by the side of the road swearing more then anyone should) but when it was all over I was loving it. Congratulations to Chris, man I wish I could have seen how it went down at the end. The dude I was pulling with the whole time wound up in eight.. Oh well. Ill be back, stronger, smarter and oh yeah….faster baby.